last update:
1-1-2000 - added archive page to my journal!  woo hoo!
1-3-2000 - changed about me page, added coming out page, changed journal page
1-12-2000 - i added a friends link to the link page, check it!
i finally have my adrian grenier page up!  woo hoo!
i continue to add to the "cool stuff" page, check it!
1-18-2000 - added poems to "cool stuff" page
3-2-2000 - added cute boys pik to the journal page
3-6-2000 - added gay guy news page, new quote on main page,
entertainment page is ready to go, added a pik of me :-)
5-3-2000 - i've changed some things on the main page, added a new pik of me,
changed the cute boy piks
8-14-2000 - i've tried to catch up... finally an update to the journal, also updates on "about me",
"coming out" and the main page.  new piks of cute guys on the journal, coming out and about me
pages.  i hope to have an update to the "gay guys news" soon.  love ya!  peace
11-4-2001 - journal updated.  new front page quote.  new pik on the journal.  more soon?  i hope!

journal update - every night

aBout Me
My jouRnal
coMinG ouT
pikS of mE
friEnds, liNks & weB rinGs
coOl gay resOurcEs
enTertainMent stUff
tell me whAt you thiNk
my Adrian Grenier page
cOOl stuff to help Us get thRough life
gaY guY News

just look at those eyes!
adrian is sooo way cute!

Why did i make this page you ask?
to put my little place in cyberspace; and to help anyone i can.
if just one person feels better about themselves because of my page,
then woo hoo! i've succeeded!
yea, i know, it's a simple page.  but hey, i'm just learning it will get better!