contact me...

yea, i want to hear from you!!!  but please be patient with me, ok?  i may not be able to get back to you as soon as you like.  sorry.  i'll do my best.

let me know what you think about my page
email me:

soon maybe i'll publish my ICQ number.  my friends have given me horror stories about doing this... so i'm not going to yet.  you can ask if you want, but don't be mad if i don't give it out, ok?

whatcha think?  let me know!
main page  aBout Me  My jouRnal  pikS of mE(coming soon!) friEnds and liNks
cool gay resOurcEs  enTertainment stuff(under construction) teLl me What you thiNk
my Adrian Grenier page cOOl stuff to help Us get thRough life coming out