cool gay resources

here are some places i've surfed to that might be able to help with all the problems we have or ways we can make the world a little better place...

check out the people who worked with Matthew Shepard's mom, Judy
to make that great psa on Mtv...
Gay, Lesbian, and Straight Education Network: GLSEN

one of the best resources i have is my XY magazine.  bad news... it seems they don't have a websight anymore.  anyway, check out there mag at a bookstore, hastings usually has it.  such a cool mag!  a mag just for young gay guys,  check it out!

youth resource has a great library for young gay guys


ever want a place to buy cool gay stuff?  here is a place with some really cool stuff; posters, cards, calendars...


whatcha think?  let me know!
main page  aBout Me  My jouRnal  pikS of mE(coming soon!) friEnds and liNks
cool gay resOurcEs  enTertainment stuff(under construction) teLl me What you thiNk
my Adrian Grenier page(under construction) cOOl stuff to help Us get thRough life coming out